An experimental program for the development of reflection and self-understanding in the preparation of future bachelors of the Service training direction 43.03.01 Image-making services

  • Chernyavskaya V.S.

    V. S. Chernyavskaya. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Серова Евгения Павловна

    E. P. Serova. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


The results of a pedagogical experiment on the implementation of the program of the discipline "Psychological workshop" for students of the direction "Service" profile "Imagemaking services" are presented. The article presents data on the relevance of this
area of training and the uncertainty of pedagogical ways of implementing professional training of image makers. The problem is formulated – what are the pedagogical goals and principles of the implementation of the educational program and the discipline "Psychological
Workshop" for second – year students-future image makers. The author substantiates the objectives of the experimental program, which consist in the organization of an environment for self-knowledge, as indicated by the researchers-founders of the practice and theory of the imageological direction. It is shown that the results of the study show the effectiveness of the education of students-future image makersincreased the ability to identify and take into account the main mental characteristics of the consumer, as the essential basis of this competence was reflection and selfunderstanding. The conditions and principles of the development of self-understanding, reflection are highlighted: the principles of dialogicality, contract and appeal to the reflexive resources of the student's personality at all stages (modules) of training. Four modules of the program are described, the essence of which is reduced to: selfknowledge, self-confidence, the basics of career and success, communication with others, work in conflict situations. The practice of the program included self-diagnosis, exercises
for developing self-analysis skills, psychotechnical games for reflection and activation, discussions, elements of designing and predicting the life path, active methods of interaction, psychotechnics that contribute to the actualization of the needs and capabilities of participants, reflexive workshops. The effectiveness of the experimental program was determined using methods for diagnosing reflexivity and self-understanding (self-disclosure of abilities). Statistical calculations using the Mann-Whitney and Fisher criteria showed the reliability of differences in the studied parameters in the experimental and control groups.

Keywords: constructive-technological and compositional analysis, analog models, clothing
configuration, consumer demand.